Why Schedule Pictures?
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Thursday, May 28, 2020
By Switch Focus Studios
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Why schedule Family pictures?  You might be thinking about scheduling a family photo session.  Maybe it has been awhile since you have had some taken of your family or extended family! You more than likely are dreading the thought of getting everyone ready and trying to get everyone to smile at the same time during the session. Let me tell you "WHY" you should be scheduling them.  

You never know the value of a photo until a person is gone!  Staring at a photo can bring back waves of emotions and  a flood of memories.  Have you ever stared at a picture and then suddenly you feel as though you can smell the perfume your grandma used to wear?  Photos represent Memories!  It is like they freeze a moment in time for you and when you look at it... it takes you back to the moment!  Kids grow up SO fast.... you can literally freeze those moments in time and look back at them any time you want through photos! 

Kids LOVE to look at photos of themselves as babies or young children.  Families love to look back at pics when the Grandparents or Great Grandparent were still alive!  Memories of happy days come flooding back when looking through photos!  I LOVE family and I want you to have those memories and I would LOVE to capture those images! 

Momma's..... Get IN those pics.... I know, I know....you would rather wait until you have lost a few pounds..... or had your hair highlighted.... or purchased that perfect outfit.... I know that your heart really loves looking at photos of your babies growing up and you don't want to look at yourself... but PLEASE.... the babies will want to look back at pics of the "MOST IMPORTANT" woman in their lives.... the babies will grow up and want to relive their own memories, so get IN the pics..... Your babies.... Your spouse....they ALL look at you each day and think you are beautiful, so STOP being so hard on yourself and get IN the pics! 

Dad's.... I know that the thought of taking pics makes you want to cringe... I know you have worked hard all day and just want to watch the game on T.V. with a cold beverage in your hand... but come on dude... Look at the family you have created.... Look at those happy and smiling faces.... Your hard work is putting smiles on those faces... your wife will be so happy to proudly display her beautiful family on her walls in your home and let's face it.... I know you have heard this saying before.... "if Momma ain't happy.... ain't NOBODY happy"....so get IN the pics.... The faster you smile and cooperate... the sooner the session can be over.... You won't have to be in ALL the pics.. I promise I will do my best to make it fun.... but please... get IN the pics!!!  

WHY?  I now ask you after reading this blog... Why NOT?  

My cell # is (816)809-8868.   Pick up that phone and call me and schedule your own Family session!  Can't wait to chat with you and customize the perfect session for you and your sweet family!  

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